MYC 2023 Raise Environmental Issues from Santri Perspective

In order to commemorate National Santri Day 2023 on Sunday (22/10), the Islamic Boarding School of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) organized the Moslem Youth Competition (MYC) 2023. Under the theme “Dedicated Santri: Preserve the Earth and Motherland,” the final round of the competition for high school students was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), K.H. Mas Mansur Building, Integrated Campus of Universitas Islam Indonesia, Kaliurang. This national-scale competition featured finalists in the Hadroh and Speech competitions from various schools.

In addition to the final event, the MYC 2023 program featured a discussion titled “The Role of Santri as Environmental Care Actors.” The discussion invited Hadza Min Fadhli Robby, S.IP., M.Sc., a lecturer in the International Relations Program and Executive Director of the Cultural Institution Embun Kalimasada of Universitas Islam Indonesia Waqf Board, as a speaker.

In his welcoming speech, the Supervisor of Women’s Islamic Boarding School of Universitas Islam Indonesia, Ustaz Tajul Muluk, S.Ud., M.Ag., hoped that the implementation of the event would serve as a moment to reflect on the history of santri involvement in the struggle for independence. According to him, this historical event should inspire the contributions of today’s santri, which can be made according to their respective abilities and fields of expertise.

“The struggle doesn’t have to be like the struggles of fighters in the past on the battlefield. Our struggle today is about how we rise to become part of the young individuals who participate and dedicate ourselves in our respective areas of capability,” he said.

Regarding the theme raised by the committee, Ustaz Tajul explained that the conservation of the Earth and Motherland is a humanitarian as well as national duty. Thus, it can be understood how humans are expected by Allah Swt. to be caliph on earth (khalifah fi al-ardh), including in the preservation of its sustainability.

“When Prophet Ibrahim finished raising the structure of the Kaaba, he then prayed. He asked that the dwelling place he had built become a secure and peaceful land, a place of safety and tranquility, warzuq ahlahu min al-tsamarat, and prosperity,” he said.

The Hadroh and Speech competitions are also expected to serve as a reflection for all participants, fostering teamwork and courage in expressing ideas.

“Hopefully, the participants can truly appreciate and grasp the essential aspects of these two competitions, so they can hone their teamwork skills, collaborate effectively with anyone, and also have the courage to express what is in their minds. Their good ideas,” concluded Ustaz Tajul.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the MYC 2023 Committee, Fairoza Jauhar Ahmad, explained the aim of organizing the event, intending to popularize efforts for the preservation of the Earth, which are inherent in the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad Saw. Additionally, the chosen theme is also related to current crucial issues, including the climate crisis and glacier melting as a consequence of earth’s damage.

“And the things we can do, no matter how small, such as disposing of trash properly and finishing the food given to us, are some of the ways we can take care of the earth. And, of course, there are still many more things we can learn from this theme,” he said.

Apart from all the finalists and santri of Islamic Boarding School of UII, the event was also attended by the Director of Islamic Boarding School of UII, Dr. Tamyiz Mukharrom, M.A., as well as the Supervisor of the Men’s Islamic Boarding School of UII, Dr. Suyanto, S.Ag., M.S.I., M.Pd. (JRM/ANM)

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