The Islamic Boarding School of UII is also known as The Excellent Student Boarding School of UII. The predicate “excellent students” implies that they are cadres who are deliberately prepared to carry out the mandate of the ummah and nationality. There is great hope that these cadres will one day become the internal and external relay holders of UII.

The birth of the Islamic Boarding School of UII can also be interpreted as one of the realizations of the vision of rahmatan lil ‘alamin (grace for all creatures) of UII. The outputs of the students educated at UII Islamic Boarding School will become agents who are ready to sow and spread the seeds of goodness wherever they are and take care of the seeds to grow into sturdy and shady trees.

UII, which was planted by the founders, has now grown like a sturdy tree, its roots sinking into the earth, its trunk and branches soaring high, its fruit abundant in benefits. The students of UII Islamic Boarding School are expected to plant similar trees of goodness that grow evenly in various parts of the country, thus becoming a blessing for the universe.

The existence of UII Islamic Boarding School needs to be supported by all parties. Sincere prayers from dear readers for the optimal benefit of the UII Islamic Boarding School are highly expected. May Allah always provide His guidance and blessings.

Dr. Suyanto, S.Ag., M.S.I., M.Pd.
Caretaker of UII Islamic Boarding School

  • Vision of the Islamic Boarding School of UII

    The realization of an Islamic Boarding School of Universitas Islam Indonesia that is rahmatan lil ‘alamin, has excellence, and scientific, Islamic, and preaching competencies.


    Fostering cadres of people who have excellence and competence in the fields of religious thought, science, skills, research development with excellence in faith stability, spiritual depth, and nobility of character.


    • To create Muslim intellectuals who are pious, have excellence in the fields of religious thought, science, research development skills, and morals.
    • To create Muslim intellectuals who have a high commitment and reliable ability in da’wah Islamiyah (Islamic preaching).
    • To produce qualified Muslim intellectuals who are able to convey their ideas in Arabic and English as a means of scientific development and communication media in the global arena.


  • Steadiness of Faith

    Muslim scholars who are professional in their fields, who have stability of faith, spiritual depth and have good character.

  • Intelectually and Reasonably Capable

    Muslim scholars who have qualified intellectual capacity and reasoning power as well as broad and deep religious and scientific insights, so that they are able to carry out ijtihad for solving problems faced by the ummah.

    Intelectually and Reasonably Capable

  • Preaching Ability

    Muslim scholars who have a high commitment and reliable ability in da’wah islamiyah, with weighty material and the right methodology.

  • Proficient in Foreign Languages

    Muslim scholars who are proficient in Arabic and English, in addition to Indonesian as a means for scientific development and communication media in the global arena as a form of da’wah Islamiyah.

    Proficient in Foreign Languages